Uong the Wild Mushroom
The sky still pouring with rain with thunders and lightning; still the sun never shone. I missed Mr. Sun! It’s been pouring with rain for the whole month due to a super typhoon and low pressure that are hitting now in the Philippines. According to Pag-asa, the rainy season started last July and expect 20 more typhoons until the end of December. Well, I love when it’s raining because it brings a cool weather at noon and hopefully it won’t stay longer the super typhoon to our province.
During the rainy season, or after the stormy weather there is an earthy food which is very seasonal here in the Philippines this edible wild mushroom, we Ilokanos call it as “Uong" or other says "uong ti bunton", "uong ti kimat", or "uong a managadu", "uong ti kalaw". In some parts of the Philippines, they also call this one as kabute in tagalog, and mamarang in other region. Uong or the wild mushroom is scientifically called as “Termitomyces cartilaginous”.
My father went to the farm early this morning to visits his plants after the heavy rain last night and he spotted this abundant group of mushroom under the tree covering with the decaying leaves.
Back when I was a child, an old folk says about the origins of the “uong” and it says that while it's raining the seeds of the mushrooms were brought by the thunder and the lightning helps to induce the growth and sprout abundantly in the night. And this must have to be harvested early in the morning since it will decay and wilt after the day.
Back when I was a child, an old folk says about the origins of the “uong” and it says that while it's raining the seeds of the mushrooms were brought by the thunder and the lightning helps to induce the growth and sprout abundantly in the night. And this must have to be harvested early in the morning since it will decay and wilt after the day.
Make sure to clean with water to remove all the traces of dirt carefully when washing one by one of the mushroom. Try not to squeeze too much since it can be easily sag and loss the tastiness and sweetness. Cut 1 to 2 inches from the root to stem where the dirt was accumulated.
This wild mushroom or uong is one of the most tastiest mushrooms in the Philippines. As Ilokano this is one of the delicious and exotic food I have tasted and it is perfectly cooked to any Ilokano dishes like inabraw, dinengdeng, adobong uong or mushroom soup.
What if we guys are still living in the past? Maybe we are still amazed how those things happen. Indeed, we should be very thankful for all the things we have. When God provides us everything we need.
Above all, the wild mushroom or Uong in Ilokano grows in a moist and damp place, this is an ideal place. Not all wild mushroom is edible there is also mushroom contains poisons. Becareful when you are in doubt, don't get it.
Love lots,
Rise by Katy Perry
"When, when the fire’s at my feet again
And the vultures all start circling
They’re whispering, “you’re out of time.”
But still, I rise
This is no mistake, no accident
When you think the final end is near; think again
Don’t be surprised, I will still rise"
Hi guys, are you one of the million of fans around the world of Katy Perry? Have you heard her latest song titled "Rise" from her latest album? Surely, you will love her new song.
I love this new song of Katy Perry "RISE" which is said to be used as the official theme song for the Rio Olympics 2016.
This is also a new song of her after three years break, and this song talks a lot and very meaningful message. When you listen very carefully and sing it wholeheartedly, surreal you will understand the pure message of the song.
The first time I heard the "Rise of Katy Perry" I was blown away, there is something intense because of the soulful meaning that gives me goosebumps.
This is kinda different song from Katy Perry, I guess! yet this song is written of love very motivational and inspiring songs which talk about not losing of Hope, Have always Trust within yourself, Not minding the people who always wanting to pull you down, Never give Up and lastly Don't Doubt in Him.
And whatever trials and hardships may come to your surely you will overcome everything by just keep your faith in Him.
"Don’t doubt it, don’t doubt
Oh oh, oh oh You know it, you know it
Still riseJust fight it, just fight it
Don’t be surprised, I will still rise"
How I Make Worklife Easier
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"How I Make Worklife Easier" |
According to the book of Oxford Concise Dictionary "Stress is defined as being subjected to physical, mental or emotional strain in response to real or imagined stimuli. These stimuli, known as stressors induce a natural “flight-or-fight” response in the body, as the body prepares to respond to a real or imagined threat to its equilibrium. "
Stress is an inevitable part of our life, no matter who you are no matter what you are doing it will always affect our own personal aspect of life. Whether you work in an office or from home, stress will always push us to work harder to cope with work deadlines.
There’s a lot of factors contributing from getting stress were in our body responses to stress from a financial problem, worklife stress or working too much, family stress, friends stress, stress from illness or disease and much more. But, there is a huge impact to our health when stress becomes chronic where it produces harmful effects to the psychological and physiological condition of the body when stress is prolonged and not managed properly.
FERN-C can help you have an easier work life too!
The work life of a nurse isn't that easier because it offers a tremendous challenge with time management when you are working with a day, noon, and night shift. And nurses must have to take a more active role in maintaining a healthy work life every day. And this how FERN-C helps me to make my worklife easier and healthy! “Worklife ay Easy with FERN-C!” and “Subok Na!”
Being as a nurse means you are physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and lastly financially ready.
Nursing worklife is an exhausting work because of the daily tasks, schedules, works a long hour, increase workloads and staffing shortages, it’s no wonder that all nurses struggle stresses and hassle of the job.
Sometimes due to a lot of patients and workload ahead, there will always be a time you ran out of control to your emotions, you're feeling of being disgusted and sometimes the situation is incapable of holding on your anger because of the worklife stress and hassle.
Stress is definitely a part of our daily working life and it is in within us how we should handle stressful and hassle. And don’t let the stress jeopardize your work. Here are my simple tips to live a happy life, joy, peace, satisfaction, a healthy life and to become a better person. Plan and organize your goal in achieving worklife balance to make the worklife easier. Because “Worklife ay Easy with FERN-C!” and “Subok Na”
1. Eat Nutritiously and Healthy Foods
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image source: Fern-C Facebook |
Make sure to eat a nutritious and healthy meal three times a day and eat fresh fruits to boost your immunity against diseases. In the field of my chosen career taking care of my daily nutritious need is a tough challenge. But since I am part of the health team I have to make sure that I am eating the right nutritious and healthiest meal. Eating a healthy food is important when working because its keep up the productivity wherein the glucose is the main fuel of our brain, which is also giving me the energy, I need to perform well. And with healthy eating habits, you can manage to lessen the worklife stress and hassle better. Eat healthy foods has a lot of benefits of achieving a healthy, mental, spiritual, emotional physical and positive outlook in life. It also helps to boost your immune system by against illnesses and diseases by eating a nutritious and healthy food every day. To make the #WorklifeAyEasy eat nutritiously and healthy foods to make sure you boost your immune system use Fern-C Vitamin #WorklifeAyEasy and #SubokNa.
2. Get A Good Sleep
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Have enough time to sleep for at least 8 to 9 hours because our body needs time to recharge and rest. Because of too much worklife stress and hassle, the “stress response” or the “stressors” activates the fight or flight response in our body which can compromise your health and weaken your immune system from not getting enough sleep. Get a good sleep to protect yourself against diseases and to improve your body's resistance against illnesses or diseases. Have enough time to sleep to build more energy for your work as well in strengthening your immune system. #WorklifeAyEasy and #SubokNa.
3. Get enough time to be FIT.
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image source: Fern-C Facebook |
No matter how busy you are you must have enough time to be fit like walking, running, swimming or jogging. Because when you exercise you are increasing blood flow to the brain which helps you sharpening your awareness and more productive. Being productive and alert at work helps our work done easier. Being fit at work improves your mental health, you feel better and it improves your state of mind making the hassle and stress of easier to handle. It also reduces the risk of developing any types of illnesses and diseases. To keep the #WorklifeAyEasy and minimize of getting sick from work use Fern-C. #WorklifeAyEasy and #SubokNa.
4. A moment to RELAX
After the long hours of worklife stress and hassle, it is our time our body needs to relax. Working too hard is not healthy, it may compromise our health which can cause us from getting illness or diseases. Give time for yourself, just relax because it helps you control over your stress mentally and emotional health. because stress limits the brain for us not to do our job well. Relaxation also helps our body to recharge from the heavy worklife stress and hassle. It is really important to find and plan a time to relax, and with Fern-C helps us to boost our immune system to beat the stress after the busiest and long hours of working. #WorklifeAyEasy and #SubokNa.
5. Have PEACE of Mind
Have always peace of mind, it is nice working in an environment you are at peace. You are not thinking anything that is not helpful to your work. Because it brings emotional well-being where you make peacefulness, calmness and it helps the circulation of the blood. At the end of the day or after work make sure to make peace with someone you have misunderstood. Because if you have resentment to someone you will never be at peace, when you are more stress it will affect your work performance. Never let the stress be the reason of getting serious negative effects on your health. (Peace be with you) #WorklifeAyEasy and #SubokNa.
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image source: Fern-C Facebook |
In order to lessen the worklife stress and hassle to make sure to keep your immunity system healthy and strong by taking Fern- C, Vitamin C. FERN-C only helps in making the stress and hassle of going to work and coping with work deadlines easier and more bearable. We can't afford to get weak and worst we cannot afford to lose our job. “Worklife ay Easy with FERN-C!” and “Subok Na!” it is really important for us to boost our immunity and take daily our Fern-C as our Vitamin C to keep our immune system healthy and strong. It is better to get ready before you know you were already sick. #WorklifeAyEasy and #SubokNa.
“Worklife ay Easy with FERN-C!” and “Subok Na”
Being a health advocate it is very important to choose the right Vitamin C especially for the health of the family that helps our body resistance against infections and stress. I have learned that Fern-C is the best source of Vitamin C to increase your immunity system from getting sick.
Being in the field health care, and as an advocate of good health, our worklife isn't that easier because when working nights, you do have to take a more active role in maintaining a healthy to make worklife easy. It is very important for me to boost my immune system by daily taking my Fern-C vitamin to make the worklife ay easy because in every day of encountering different types of viruses and bacteria, dealing different types of patient I must endure keeping myself be protected and healthy. FERN-C helps me to have an easier worklife too!
It is better to keep ourselves be protected from any types of bacteria, viruses and any form of microbes that weakens our immune system which can affect our work. As a nurse, I always make sure as 101% to keep my immune system healthy, as well as my family and same with my patient to prevent transmitting of bacteria.
Therefore, FERN-C truly helps me in making less stress and less hassle of going to work. And helps me coping with work deadlines easier and more bearable. Fern- C is not just about knowing how to stay healthy, it’s actually helping me to achieve a happy life and healthy lifestyle. #WorklifeAyEasy and #SubokNa.
For more updates and want to know more about how to lessen the worklife stress and hassle to keep “Worklife ay Easy with FERN-C!” and “Subok Na” follow and visit them on their social media account:
Fern-C Website : http://fern-c.com/fern-c/
Fern-C Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fernconline/
Fern-C Twitter: https://twitter.com/FERNCOnline
Fern-C Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ferncofficial/
Be Healthy And Be More Productive At Work
“Worklife ay Easy with FERN-C!” and “Subok Na”
#FERNC #WorkLife #WorkLifeAyEasy #SubokNa
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